International Union of Biological Sciences

Spanish National Committee








Benefits and Responsabilities

>> As an IUBS Ordinary Member

> Benefits

• Representation at trienniel IUBS General Assemblies and Scientific Symposia.
• Venues to inform governments, societies and individuals about international programmes.
• Grants to initiate international and interdisciplinar scientific activities.

• To guarantee the discussion and dissemination of international cooperation results, specially those obtained from the IUBS scientifics programmes.
Facilitation of interaction between national and international organizations.
•Facilitation of liaisons between IUBS Ordinary and Scientific Members.
• Facilitation of cooperation with international agencies (e.g. UNESCO, WHO, UNEP, CBP, FAO) and NGOs.
• To endorse international conferences organization and their publications.
• Access to IUBS publications, as the "Biology Internacional" periodical, Monograph Series, Methodology Manual Series, and other.

> Responsabilities
• to encourage involvement in IUBS activities.
• to initiate programmes (as appropriate) for IUBS sponsorship or endorsement
• to transmit suggestions, concerns and issues to the IUBS Executive Committee.  

>> As an ICSU Member