IUBS conducts
international collaborative research programmes in close cooperation
with its Ordinary and Scientific Members. The topics
of these programmes are selected on the basis of their originality and
feasibility, as well as their relevance with respect to IUBS objectives,
i.e. most importantly: their global scientific importance in the biological
sciences and their potential to benefit from international participation.
The General Assembly, convened every three years, decides on the basis
of the priorities of the Union and of the recommendations of the reviewers
and the Executive Committee, whether a given proposal is endorsed to
become an IUBS programme.
Current IUBS Scientific
Programmes are next:
>Biological Diversity: - Diversitas (1991 -) - Human
Dimensions of Biodiversity (1994 -), Systematics Agenda 2000
- International
>Towards An Integrative Biology - TAIB (1997 -)
>Biological Education (1974 -)
>Bioethics (1974 -)
>Bionomenclature (1974 -)
Other activities
conducts by IUBS are based on inter-union
cooperation mainly.
publishes progress reports and scientific results of its own programmes
and research projects, besides offering assistance in the publication
of the proceedings of workshops and meeting held under its auspices.
IUBS publications also include the periodical of IUBS Biology International,
publishes on a quarterly basis, as well as, the IUBS Monograph Series,
the Methodology Manual Series, the Proceedings of the IUBS General Assemblies,
and other.